Veterans’ Agriculture Program


Bentonville has always strived for the best education possible, even in hard times. They grew community gardens to feed underprivileged students, many teachers taught more than one class as well as donating their time to coaching sports. Wood shop, agriculture, home economics, mechanical drawing and many other life skills were important classes.

One of these educational initiatives was the Veterans Agriculture Program. 

After World War II, a major need to develop programs and trainings arose for veterans returning home.
The Bentonville High School developed the veterans’ agriculture program in february of 1946. By 1948, the agriculture program had 156 veterans enrolled in the program. 7 instructors worked in the program, giving comprehensive instruction on agriculture practices. The instruction took place both in the classroom, and with in-field training on local farmland.

The program successfully allowed for veterans to return home with a new purpose and opportunity to provide for their family in a post World War II America.


Instructors of the program are listed below.
Mrs.W.B. Boyd Mrs.J.H. Carithers Mr. Floyd Eyer
Mr.Charles Proctor Mr.James C. Boyd Mr. Olen J. Webb
Mr. Dilford Hutchens Mr. W.R. Terry
Mr.Robert E. Russell
Mr. Carl Hutchens

Eventually, the program was phased out, with veterans moving on, graduating the program, or continuing their education into college with the newly formed GI Bill of 1944.

We are forever thankful for the sacrifices made by our service members. And we are so thankful for our Bentonville school system.

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